Saturday, February 21, 2009


We have two building projects at the centre right now.
This is a new storage building for KCF. 

We are also building a computer lab. 

Making Beads

We are very excited about how well the Women's Groups are going, today over 50 local women came to the centre for a workshop, put on by Rachel and Christine, to learn how to make paper beads, they all did an amazing job for their first time!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Women's Groups

One of the arms of our Community Services Department at KCC is Women’s Groups. We have a social worker on staff, Christine, who heads up this program.

Every week she spends time with these different groups around our community, some are AIDS support groups or bible studies. One of the largest groups is women who make crafts to provide income for their families.

Last Saturday, Christine had the chance to show the women some new ideas for crafts they can make which they all loved, we will be offering training to help with some of these new ideas in the weeks to come. All the crafts made will be sent home to the PAOS office at Pacific Academy School.